Mr. Mike here again. Hope you all enjoyed the weekend and the kids had a restful and relaxing day off while remembering all the positive Dr. King accomplished in his day. I would like to start off with a friendly reminder now that winter is starting to feel more like winter, we please urge that you send your child with a proper winter coat, gloves, and hat. It is important for when we have our brief but necessary recess time.

(As you can see, I am guilty of not always bringing the right outdoor gear too!)
Now to the good stuff. This week we did some dancing with Mr. John, cooking with Miss Kristen, and science with me. It was an action packed and fun week with lots to talk about. The science project spanned over two days with our egg drop. We first began with Easter eggs filled with change, to simulate a real egg without the mess. The kids protected their eggs with only a plastic cup, pom poms, pipe cleaners, paper towels, and of course, plenty of tape! They came up with some brilliant designs and collaborated in teams to almost near perfection. Super impressive stuff. We then moved on to hard boiled eggs (partially, due to my lack of knowledge in the kitchen) with the same materials. They worked again in the same teams and made improvements to their previous models, and again had a blast.
Finally, we had our cooking project which was to make tacos. I was initially surprised at how many of the kids voiced their displeasure with tacos, but it was all smiles and fun once the creating began! Hopefully some of you were able to enjoy the deliciousness they brought home with them on Friday!